четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Physical Activity Can Boost Kids’ Brains

1) What can help you to learn easily?
2)What kind of people are more attentive?
3)How many minutes should do exercises to have a succeed?
4)What does it mean "brain foods"?
5)Why does a good  sleep is important for people ?
6)Not getting enough sleep can cause some children to have problems at school,isn`t it?
7)Where the article was taken?

четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

Proverbs and sayings about jobs

  1.The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.
Wise Phrase by Arnold Toynbee
(Достижение высших целей это грань между работой и игрой.)

 2. Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they're looking for ideas. 
 Famous Saying by Paula Poundstone
(Взрослые всегда спрашивают детей кем они хотят стать, потому что сами ищут идеи)

3.If you have a job without any aggravations, you don't have a job.  
Wise Phrase by Malcolm S. Forbes
(Если у вас есть работа без каких-либо трудностей- у вас нет работы.)

4.Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.  Wise Phrase by Robert Orben
   (Каждый день я встаю и смотрю на список самых богатых людей Америке в Форбсе .Если я не там - я иду на работу.)

5.The difference between a job and a career is the difference between forty and sixty hours a week.  
Famous Saying by Robert Frost
(Разница между работой и карьерой это разница между сорока и шестидесяти часами работы в неделю.)

среда, 14 сентября 2011 г.


Who is a pharmacist? You think that it`s a person who working in a pharmacy and selling medicine , but it is false, it is apothecary.But pharmacists  are people who made medicines. If you want to be a pharmacist you must like to help people.Уou need to know chemistry well and have a big patient and accuracy.Medicines with food are the things that people stop buying into the last turn. So in this area is not allowed error, the pharmacist should understand it.This profession is very helpful and people who work there are suffering from many illnesses of the radiation. But they do their work and brings great benefit to humanity and save many lives.

пятница, 29 апреля 2011 г.

task about jobs

Which jobs:

- do you hate doing?

- really get on your nerves?

- don't you mind doing?
1. I hate washing the dishes and emptying the rubbish.
2. Clean the dust is a really nervous job, because dust appears quickly.
3. I don`t mind  to do the shopping or tidying my room.

среда, 6 апреля 2011 г.


One child is ten years old came into the cafe and sat at the table. The waitress came up to him.

- How much does chocolate ice cream with nuts cost? - asked the boy.

- Fifty cents - the woman answered.

The boy pulled his hand from his pocket and counted the coins.

- How much does a simple ice cream without nuts cost? - asked the child. Some visitors waited at the tables , the waitress began to be angry:

- Twenty-five cents, - threw briefly in response. The boy again counted the coins.

- I want a simple ice cream - he decided.

The waitress brought the ice cream, threw it on the table and walked away. Boy finished eating ice cream, paid the cashier and went away. When the waitress returned to clear the table, she had a lump in her throat when she saw that beside the empty vase lay neatly stacked coins, twenty-five cents - her tip.

Don`t make conclusions about a person until you know the reasons for his actions.

воскресенье, 13 марта 2011 г.


Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Count of Monte Cristo frequently employs disguise. What are some of the other persons he adopts?

How does Monte Cristo avenge the treachery of his friends?

What is the period of the 100 days?

Why does the Count say that the worst thing Albert will suffer is fear in The Count of Monte Cristo?

In "The Count of Monte Cristo," who are Albert's parents?

What crime does Fernand commit against Edmond Dantes?

Is Albert de Morcerf the son of Mercedes and Edmond Dantes?

Who are the Cavalcantis in The Count of Monte Christo?

Frankenstein. by Mary Shelley


In one story says a scientist who wanted to descovered the secret of life. He wanted to make new life in deaht body.Frankinshtein roamed the morgue in search of suitable body parts for his project.
He worked on it a lot  of years. He tried to find way to revive the monster . He ceased to communicate with their friends and family, even with his beloved Elizabeth.
Once, at the very top of the tower in his own laboratory he discovered secret of life.

He created a new person from other people's body parts. monster was so ugly and terrible that the very Frankinshtein realized what a monster he made.From fear, he ran away from his laboratory. That night he had nightmares. He dreamed of Elizabeth. She walked into the garden, and when he kissed her lips, he realized that it was the kiss of death. Her lips were very pale and cold. The meantime the monster calm walked through the castle, and in the morning disappeared.

среда, 9 февраля 2011 г.

Answers for Topic about Valentine`s day

1.Psyche was Cupid wife.

2.He said "True love begins when nothing is looked for in return."

3.It has two meanings.It can imply a card sent or given to a sweetheart) on Saint Valentine's Day. It can also indicate any particular person, especially a sweetheart, chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine's Day.

4.They symbolize loyalty, fidelity and love.

5.People in some areas of England is baking valentine buns with caraway seeds, plums, or raisins.

6.I can spend quality time with family members or party with unhitched friends.

7.Buy some red balloons and have them filled with candies. Add a folded-up Valentine's message and inflate each balloon. Attach a paper heart to the string of each balloon, with a note to your loved ones. Then leave them in spots where they are to be found by those you have addressed. It will be a nice Valentine morning surprise. Also, decorate the ceilings by hanging heart shape balloons of colours red, pink, purple and white - the traditional Valentine's Day colors.

четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.

Valentine`s day

1.Whose wife was Psyche? (look at "Interesting story about Cupid (one of the symbols of Valentines day)" )
2.What did Antoine De Saint-Exupery say about true love?  (look at "Love Quotes and Sayings " )

3.How many meanings does the word Valentine have and what are the meanings? (look at "What are Valentines?" )

4.What do the doves symbolize? (look at "Different symbols associated with love and Valentine's Day" )

5.  What country do people bake buns with caraway on Valentine`s Day in?(look at "Around The World Valentine's Day Celebrations"  )

6.What can you make  for a Valentine's Day?  (look at "What Singles can do on Valentine’s Day?" )

7. How to make balloon Goodies? (look at "Valentine's Day Family Celebration Ideas ")

среда, 19 января 2011 г.

Lifestyles of different people

Profession 1.
People of this profession are usually women.I think their work  is boring and isn`t easy.
They clean houses all day.They have stressful lifestyle.
People of this profession have to clean windows and wash basins,mop floors, tidy rooms, wash up, water  the flowers and hoover the flat.They have special uniform and they work in reach houses.

Profession 2.
People of this profession are usually women too.I think their work is creative and interesting.They have peaceful lifestyle.People of this profession offer and lend books and magazines to readers.
They work with a books in a quite place.

вторник, 11 января 2011 г.


I found a very useful link about Present Practiciple
click to link! ----->http://www.tolearnenglish.com/free/news/0gpresentparticiples.htm


Christmas traditions and traditions in my family! by Anny

Christmas traditions and traditions in my family! by Anny

Christmas traditions

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, but it has little to do with the presents. Our family has always had several Christmas traditions that were the best part of the holiday season. Traditionally on Christmas our family decorate a Christmas tree with garlands and ornaments.I love this time very much,because I like to prepare for the Christmas party.It`s interesting what the holiday.My mother traditionally makes some salads and chicken, and I help her with gingerbread. When Christmas Eve is coming,we go to grandmother for a visit.We play Christmas games, eat and just communicate. this is the best way to gather our family compre.I think it`s very funny and I like this holiday very much.

My homework

In the picture you can see a man. His name is Jared Leto.He is 39, but he looks younger.He is medium heigh and slim.His face is oval.His cheeks are raddish and his nose is small and straight.Jared has long (for man) straight and dark hair.He has big blue eyes.Jared has other features, for example: moustache and beard.I think, he is very good-looking man.
He is wearing trendy clothes. His jacket is dark-blue and jeans too.His jeans is very fashinoble.I like his trainers.They are very funny.They are black and pink.In the picture he has a guitar, because he is singer in rock group "30 seconds to Mars".
I think he is very lively, tidy and may be friendly.His face is is kind and his smile is smart.
He is works as singer, but he has very good hobby.He is an actor too.But Jared has many hobbys, for example:skateboarding, backpacking, writing texts of songs, reading and drawing.