среда, 19 января 2011 г.

Lifestyles of different people

Profession 1.
People of this profession are usually women.I think their work  is boring and isn`t easy.
They clean houses all day.They have stressful lifestyle.
People of this profession have to clean windows and wash basins,mop floors, tidy rooms, wash up, water  the flowers and hoover the flat.They have special uniform and they work in reach houses.

Profession 2.
People of this profession are usually women too.I think their work is creative and interesting.They have peaceful lifestyle.People of this profession offer and lend books and magazines to readers.
They work with a books in a quite place.

вторник, 11 января 2011 г.


I found a very useful link about Present Practiciple
click to link! ----->http://www.tolearnenglish.com/free/news/0gpresentparticiples.htm


Christmas traditions and traditions in my family! by Anny

Christmas traditions and traditions in my family! by Anny

Christmas traditions

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, but it has little to do with the presents. Our family has always had several Christmas traditions that were the best part of the holiday season. Traditionally on Christmas our family decorate a Christmas tree with garlands and ornaments.I love this time very much,because I like to prepare for the Christmas party.It`s interesting what the holiday.My mother traditionally makes some salads and chicken, and I help her with gingerbread. When Christmas Eve is coming,we go to grandmother for a visit.We play Christmas games, eat and just communicate. this is the best way to gather our family compre.I think it`s very funny and I like this holiday very much.

My homework

In the picture you can see a man. His name is Jared Leto.He is 39, but he looks younger.He is medium heigh and slim.His face is oval.His cheeks are raddish and his nose is small and straight.Jared has long (for man) straight and dark hair.He has big blue eyes.Jared has other features, for example: moustache and beard.I think, he is very good-looking man.
He is wearing trendy clothes. His jacket is dark-blue and jeans too.His jeans is very fashinoble.I like his trainers.They are very funny.They are black and pink.In the picture he has a guitar, because he is singer in rock group "30 seconds to Mars".
I think he is very lively, tidy and may be friendly.His face is is kind and his smile is smart.
He is works as singer, but he has very good hobby.He is an actor too.But Jared has many hobbys, for example:skateboarding, backpacking, writing texts of songs, reading and drawing.