среда, 28 января 2015 г.


Text link (There are two pages!)

Answer the questions.

1. Which factors do neuropsychologist Robert Hanlon name about terror-related murders?
2. Who are more violent men or women? Why?
3.Which genes increase a person's risk for violent behavior?
4.What behavior do children who are raised in unstable families have?
5. How is religion used by murderers? 

1.________- adj. Engaging in or characterized by habitual violence and cruelty.
2.________- noun. A person seized or held as security for the fulfilment of a condition.
3.________- verb. Get, acquire, or secure.
4.________- noun. The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
5.________- noun. remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.


article link
25 November 2014

Dear editor,

The aim of this letter is to express my opinion about the article which is named "How far do EU-US sanctions on Russia go?". I am  really disappointed. I took the time to research this question, read the press and watched the news and all I get is a reference to the EU-US sanctions on Russia.
First of all I think we should emphasize that there is a difference of opinion not only within governments comprising the Europe but there is a difference of opinion among the citizens of the EU. A lot of them believe that they should not  be involved in the affairs of Ukraine or Russia.
 In regards to the actual governments though, and the media which is trying to spread the flames of Russophobia in Europe, a lot of these governments are very cautious we can not forget that Russia is a major trading partner for Germany, France has a lot of investments in Russia, in the auto industry for example. It's energy resources are very important for many European countries.
Thus, we can get an aggressive encounter with the Russian Federation. I don’t know how they would want to impose any sanctions on Russia, I think that it would be a big mistake.
 Anna Seryna

пятница, 23 мая 2014 г.

Article questions.


Questions for article.

1)How many children are affected from autism per day?

2)How is affected age the of parents at conception on autism?

3)Which race is less subjected to the disease?

4)What sex children are more prone to suffer from autism?

5)From what age can neurologists diagnose the disease?

среда, 21 мая 2014 г.


The article "Eggs roll in White House tradition" was appeared in Sydney Morning Herald newspaper  in the APRIL 22, 2014. In this article, the author describes how thousands of children chased eggs across the White House with the President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle .
           Author tells us that the President approached with conventional American children and made ​​a real holiday for them.  In actuality, it is most fun event because people have a chance to see families from all across the country coming through. Besides, Barak Obama played with children on the sidelines of the race, shooting basketballs on the White House outdoor court and reading books.
In this article, the author offers some recommendations for the free time with his family. He describes the relationship of the president to the family, the importance of such traditions.

Eggs roll in White House tradition

US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
Thousands of children have chased eggs across the White House lawn during the 135-year tradition. Source:AAP
READY, set, go!
Thousands of children with spoons chased eggs on Monday across the White House lawn after President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle gave the start signal for the 135-year-old tradition.
Obama played with children on the sidelines of the race, shooting basketballs on the White House outdoor court and reading books.
Actor Jim Carrey and Sesame Street characters helped entertain the kids, ages five-13, during the sunny but cool spring day.
An estimated 30,000 parents and their children were admitted in groups at assigned times through the day.
The prized tickets for the annual egg roll were distributed by lottery through the White House website.
"It is our most fun event because we have a chance to see families from all across the country coming through," Obama said.
In keeping with her push for the country to get healthy, Michelle Obama set up education stations for parents "to learn how to make healthy snacks that the kids will actually eat."
The first lady, who started a garden with local school children soon after moving into the White House in 2009, personally demonstrated at the healthy food snack station during the day.
In the race, children used long spoons to push colourfully dyed hard-boiled eggs across the lawn.

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.


Cloning Contest Seeks Worthiest U.K. Dog


Puppy lovers in the United Kingdom may soon get a chance to extend their dog years, thanks to an odd new contest: A South Korean company wants to clone the most beloved U.K. pooch -- again raising ethical questions about the practice of pet cloning.
Headed by a former stem-cell researcher named Woo-Suk Hwang, the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation has been cloning dogs and other animals for years, mostly for U.S. customers. Now, in an effort to expand into the British market, the lab has asked U.K. canine owners to submit a 500-word essay, along with photos and videos, demonstrating why their best friend's genes should live on, Sooam researcher Hanna Heejin Song wrote in an email to LiveScience.

VIDEO: First Cloned Human Embryos Yield Stem Cells

The chosen dog owner gets 70 percent off the usual $100,000 price tag for replicating Rufus. [10 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs]
Cloning Fido
The process then follows the now-established outline for animalcloning: Sooam researchers will perform a biopsy to extract a viable skin cell from the dog, inject DNA from that cell into another dog's egg cell (one that has been emptied of DNA) and implant the resulting embryo into the womb of a surrogate canine mother.
When successful, the process births a cloned puppy about two months after implantation, Sooam's website says. That "successful" part usually takes several attempts, though -- and several dogs are needed as egg donors and surrogate mothers. In the early days of dog cloning, it took at least dozens of egg donors, said John Woestendiek, author of "Dog, Inc." (Penguin Group, 2010), which investigates the world of dog cloning. "It's down to a handful now."
As if photocopying Fido weren't strange enough, the contest comes from the lab of Hwang, who earned first fame, and then infamy, for falsifying research data, claiming to have cloned human embryonic stem cells in 2004. Hwang was convicted in 2009 on several counts related to the bogus research.

NEWS: Will De-Extinction Become a Reality?

Nevertheless, Hwang's company has successfully reunited several pet owners with genetic copies of their furry companions. Hwang led one of the first successful attempts at dog cloning when he replicated a pooch named Snuppy in 2005. Sooam researchers have also cloned wolves and coyotes. And last year, the company announced plans to try to “bring back” a woolly mammoth from extinction. The feat would require extracting DNA from frozen mammoths and incubating an embryo in an elephant surrogate mother. [6 Extinct Animals That Could Be Brought Back to Life]
Ethics of Dog Cloning
Successes aside, Hwang's cloning endeavors still raise ethical concerns, Woestendiek said. First, the massive expenditure of money and scientific resources involved in cloning may look irresponsible when there are so many dogs languishing in shelters.
"Why go to all that expense if there are dogs that need homes?" Woestendiek asked. In the United States alone, 6 million to 8 million cats and dogs enter shelters each year, according to the Humane Society of the United States.
And, in most cases, it's pretty easy to find a new dog that looks like the old one, Woestendiek said. Cloning, after all, can only really replicate looks. The new dog is not, by any means, the "same" pet, and may behave differently, the author said.
"I think that personality is really what most people are looking to clone," Woestendiek noted. "And I don't think personality is clone-able." That's because though the clone should have a complete DNA match with the late dog, personality is the result of genes, upbringing and environment.

VIDEO: First Cloned Human Embryos Yield Stem Cells

Dog cloning also raises concerns about the treatment of egg donors and surrogate mothers. U.S.-based company BioArts Internationalleft the pet-cloning business, in part, because of ethical questions about how its South Korean partners treated surrogate animals, according to a company statement. South Korea lacks the oversight that protects research animals in the United States, Woestendiek said. And, though it reportedly doesn't happen much anymore, some of the surrogate dogs used in Korea have gone to "farms" -- meaning they were then raised for their meat, Woestendiek added.
The dog owners who have gotten their pets cloned, however, seem "totally pleased" with the results, Woestendiek said. The whole spectacle just shows how much dog lovers care about their canine companions. "Dogs are more like children than pets now," he said.
The U.K. contest echoes some of the first forays into commercial pet cloning in the Americas, Woestendiek said. In 2009, Nova Scotia resident John Symington won the right to clone his German shepherd Trakr in the "Golden Clone Giveaway," hosted by BioArts, which contracted the actual work to Hwang's lab. Symington claimed Trakr, a rescue dog, had found the last survivor of the attack in New York.

NEWS: Will De-Extinction Become a Reality?

Applicants to the new contest must be U.K. residents, and they have until July 1 to make submissions to dogcloning@gmail.com. Sooam will post applicants' videos on the contest's YouTube channel: DogCloning UK.

Read the following sentences about cloning. Choose true or false for each sentence.

1. The process of births a cloned puppy is about two months after implantation.
2. Hwang laboratory had earned first fame, and then infamy, for falsifying research data, claiming to have cloned dog embryonic stem cells in 2004.
3. Hwang won the case in 2009, which related to the bogus research.
4. Clone of pet may behave differently than original.
5. North Korea lacks the oversight that protects research animals in the United States.
6. In 2008, Nova Scotia resident John Symington won the right to clone his German shepherd Trakr.
7. The dog owners who have gotten their pets cloned, seem satisfied with the results.
8. Applicants to the new contest must be UK citizens, and they have until July 1 to make submissions to dogcloning@gmail.com.